Sketches: Creatively Yours announces
a Design Team Call!
Closing Date is January 30, 2012
All scrappers, all over the world, are welcome to apply!
[Current S: CY DT members are asked to wait one term before reapplying. TY so much! ]
How to Apply: NOTE: No previous DT experience is necessary!
- Send a short bio about your life and scrapbooking.
- Mention any other DTs you currently serve on.
- Include a link to your Blog.
- Attach a small picture (headshot if possible) of yourself.
- Send us one LAYOUT or CARD (any size) that you feel best represents your recent work and expresses your talent as a scrapbooker or cardmaker. Use your creativity and PLAY!
- Specify whether you want to be considered for the S:CY Layout Team or the S:CY Card Team.
- Send your creation and information to: as an email attachment, NO LARGER than 1 mb please.
IMPORTANT~ Please include your name in the file you attach.
*Successful applicants will be notified by February 5th, 9 PM (AST) by email. :o) Design Team Members' Basic Responsibilities:
*I send out an email very early (1 month before due dates***) with sketches designated for each week of the next month.
*DT members choose 2 or 3 sketches (YES: YOU CHOOSE) of the 4-5 sketches sent to you for the whole month. You complete the 2-3 you have chosen and send the creations to me by the noted due dates. They are due back on Wednesdays by midnight AST. I will post a sketch and the matching DT creations at S: CY on the designated Fridays. Of those 4-5 sketch choices, one will be a card sketch, designed by our Senior Designer, Ann Seleshanko.
(Please Note: Supply lists for your creations are not necessary unless digital elements are included. Then they must be listed.)
*Comment on the work of your fellow DT members and anyone who provides us with a link to THEIR work. :o)
*Display our "I Design for" Blinkie on your blog and wherever else permitted.
*Tell others about S: CY and invite visitors to the site.
*Term is 6 months: March 1, 2012- August 31, 2012
(*** Except for March, where the turn-around time will be shorter. That month, since the DT members will just have been notified of their positions on Feb 5th, the sketches will be received 3 weeks before the first March due date rather than 4 weeks before.)
- You'll receive a "Proud Designer for..." blinkie to display.
- You will be able to choose 2-3 of the 4-5 sketches provided EVERY MONTH. No "ASSIGNMENTS!!"
- Your work and your Blog link will receive excellent exposure on our beautiful Sketch Blog when we do our weekly posts.
- There will be a "Designer Q & A Spotlight" feature done on each designer on the team. This means more exposure for you and your work! (Participation is optional.)
- We have interesting and talented Guest Designers EVERY MONTH! Having your work featured alongside theirs will be a positive experience.
- You'll have convenient access to a private DT-only Blog site where communication with the Design Team will take place.
- I'll provide you with a well-written letter of reference should you ever need one with regard to your time as a DT Member at S: CY. There is no time limit to this benefit, and I will do it as many times as requested.
Since we are not affiliated with a store we cannot send out kits or other incentives to our Designers.
Questions? Please feel free to contact Ali MacDonald,
Thanks for visiting our friendly Sketch Blog, and applying for our DT positions.