Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Congrats! Please email Ali with your snail mail address at pete ali @ eastlink .ca (with NO SPACES) and I will get your prize mailed out to you ASAP! Tomorrow is a statutory holiday here in Canada for CANADA DAY (not sure where you live, you might BE in Canada too, LOL,) so it will be a couple of days before the mail is moving decently again.
Thanks to everyone for playing along with the RAK game! You gave me SEVERAL new ideas!
EXTENDED DEADLINE for CONTEST: ideas for using bookmarks!
1. Carolyn said...
I love leaving a bookmark in the spot I'm at in a good book, or to write an encouraging remark for a loved one to look at when they are reading :)
** I love the idea of an encouraging remark!!** = 1 RAK BALLOT!!
2. Christi Snow, a CY-Hall of Fame Member= a former Guest Designer here, said...
"I love including bookmarks in thinking of you cards because I think that everyone can use a bookmark and it's a small little gift that is a wonderful thought."
** It truly IS a wonderful thought!** = 1 RAK BALLOT!!
Check out Christi's Bookmark! = 2 RAK BALLOTS!!!

3. rajah1116 said...
"I like to use them as magnets....I just think it's a fun shape!"
** Nothing like a PRETTY fridge magnet! Useful too!** = 1 RAK BALLOT!!
4. camerapatty said...
A) Bookmarks are great for marking your favorite recipes in books. = 1 RAK BALLOT!!
B) I also once received a book from my mother and she used a bookmark that stated why she chose to highlight a special page. = 1 RAK BALLOT!
TWO awesome ideas here!
** I bet you treasure that bookmark, Patty! ** = 2 ideas= 2 RAK BALLOTS !
5. Reel Girl said...
"I use bookmarks when I am traveling/vacationing - I mark my map books, tourist brochures, etc! There is always a bookmark or 2 in my car!"
**What a superb idea- handy as can be!** = 1 RAK BALLOT
Anyone else? BE SURE that you post them in the Comments section for the original CY Bookmark Contest post.... and I will add them here, WITH your BLOG link! Great exposure!
I will then do a RAK draw at 3 PM-- that is ONLY 5 1/2 hrs from now here in NS!!!!
ALL welcome to try for a ballot! Each idea nets you one ballot. Feel free to enter more than once.
You can also make a bookmark with the bookmark sketch (see Contest post) and receive a ballot!! Ooooh, I will sweeten the pot. A bookmark created with my sketch nets you THREE ballots!
It will be a GREAT RAK!
Go go go!!!!Monday, June 29, 2009
Sketch #56
CY Designer Ann Seleshanko shows her love for family in her Sketch #56 LO:

CY Designer Misty Miller treasures the memories depicted in this LO, using versatile Sketch #56:
CY Designer Andi Dickson shares an everyday, caring smile with us here, in this Sketch #56 LO:
CY Designer Robin Gibson, in her Sketch #56 LO, shares some floral photos featuring butterflies & birds!
CY Designer Rita Barakat reminds us that joy can be found in small pleasures. Here are two layouts she created with CY-Sketch #56:
Big Thanks to our CY-Design Team for their work on these Sketch interpretations. So proud of you all! This is a definite to-do Sketch in my book!
CY June Guest Designer Alison Thorne provided this warm, fun interpretation of Sketch #56:
Alison, THANK YOU so very much for your inspiring work this month here at Creatively Yours. Your input was fantastic!
Thanks gals, for another beautiful Monday!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Remarkable Bookmark Inspiration AND a Contest!!
Here are my answers:
I use them as little "gifties" inside cards.
I use a bookmark for 'the usual;" to mark a spot in a novel/book I am currently reading.
I am sure you ALL have other ideas about handmade bookmarks!! Please share them in the "Comments" section and I will add them here at CY. Your name will then be added to a little CY-RAK. I'll draw for that next Monday evening! Each idea you share in the Comments section nets you a ballot in the draw Monday evening June 29th 2009!

Bookmark Sketch by Ali MacDonald for Creatively Yours
Here are two gorgeous sketch interpretations from CY Design Team Members!
Bookmark created by CY Designer Ann Seleshanko

Bookmark created by our June CY Guest Designer Alison Thorne
More bookmarks to come: so be on the lookout!
AHA!! Look!! Another gorgeous sample from our sketch!
Bookmark created by CY Designer Rita Barakat

What can YOU make today with the CY Sketch?
Please be sure to share it with us! I'll post any bookmark links received here on the blog for all to check out. That's a HUGE opportunity for tonnes of online exposure for your creations. Feel free to submit more than one bookmark!
Additionally, I will add your name to our Bookmark RAK draw each time you send us the link to a bookmark you have created using this sketch!!.
Thanks to our CY-Bookmark Designers this week: Ann, Alison and Rita!! Awesome work, ladies.
Don't forget about our "CY-RAK Contest!!" Enter for a chance to win!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sketch #55: It's ROUND!


Thanks Noella for this superb sketch!
Be sure to share any round sketches creations and any additional round sketch "ideas" with us!
PLEASE NOTE: I will add any new ideas you share in the Comments Section to the Round Sketch Design Tips, above!
Have a wonderful week! ((HUGZ))~ Ali
Monday, June 8, 2009

This Father's Day-themed card interpretation was created by CY Designer Misty Miller, who is sailing us away in a very relaxed state!

And last for today, a card that is serving up cheery summer sun , by CY-Designer Robin Gibson!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sketch #54
Additionally, I have the fun of sharing with you some of the most amazingly varied LOs I have ever had the pleasure of posting. Sit back and enjoy!
What can YOU create with Sketch #54? Post a link in the CY "Comments" section, below and we will come visit your site/blog to check it out.
(PS~My interpretation is done but it's too dark to take a pic. Can't wait to show you tomorrow AM. I'll add it then.) Edited: Added it.
CY Designer Andi Dickson's interpretation is called "Capture the Everyday":

CY Designer Rita Barakat's interpretation is called "Give":

And... a close up of some special detail:

CY Designer Robin Gibson's interpretation is called "The FAO Piano":

CY Designer Misty Miller's interpretation is called "Indian Creek Falls":
And CY Designer Ann Seleshanko's interpretation is called "Two Peas in a Pod":
My interpretation of CY Sketch #54 is called "Purrrrfect!":
[LO by CY DT member Ali MacDonald]
(Proud to say I used 2 more pics out of a 1999 "sticky" album!)
And: finally, it is with extra special pleasure that I present a Sketch #54 interpretation by our June CY-Guest Design Team Member, Alison Thorne!
It's called "Windy City Skyline."
A HUGE "Thank you" to our CY Designers. who completed these beauties, THEiR FIRST CY ASSIGNMENTS for the Design term... on a rather short turn-around time. What eye-candy!
Enjoy, and be sure to check in often to see what our readers share, and what THEY had to say about the work seen here! (Comments can be made below. All links shared are visited!! Thanks!)
~ Ali :o)